Rosacea Specialist

American Chiropractic
A.J. Hunziker, D.C.
Chiropractor & Rehabilitation Specialist serving the areas of Jacksonville, FL & Jacksonville Beach, FL
If you have noticed red spots on your face that won’t go away, you may have a condition called rosacea. The red areas may even develop bumps or pimples that look like acne. It’s easy to understand that rosacea can undermine your confidence. Everyone wants to look their best on the job and in social situations. If you’re seeking help for this condition, it’s time to contact Dr. A.J. Hunziker, with American Chiropractic in Jacksonville and Jacksonville Beach, FL, who uses the newest laser technology to restore and rejuvenate your skin.
Rosacea Q & A
What is rosacea?
Rosacea is a skin condition that causes excess red color on your face--nose, chin, cheeks, and/or your forehead. Your skin can become dry and irritated, and you may experience a burning sensation in the affected areas.
In more severe cases, bumps or pimples that look like acne, but are not, appear in the reddened areas. If left untreated, your skin can become coarse, swollen, and very bumpy, especially around your nose. Your eyes may also be affected, becoming red and irritated.
What causes rosacea?
Researchers have not yet determined all of the causes of rosacea, but heredity appears to be a factor. Adults with fair skin are more prone to the condition. Blood vessels under the skin expand during a rosacea outbreak, causing the skin to become red. From observation, we find that your environment can trigger flare-ups. Some of the common triggers include hot weather, sun and wind, hot baths, spicy foods, alcohol, and stress.
What is the most effective treatment for rosacea?
Prescription creams, gels, and pills can help control rosacea, but until recently, most treatments have not been as effective as patients had hoped.
Dr. Hunziker uses the latest laser technology to treat rosacea. There are no messy creams or gels, and you no longer have to take antibiotic pills to help keep it under control.
Dr. Hunziker uses a new Excel V™ solid-state vascular laser system. It delivers two extremely precise wavelengths to treat your skin. The laser projects waves of light directed at the blood vessels under the skin, and heat from the laser makes the blood vessels disintegrate.
How long is rosacea treatment?
You’ll experience relief after just one treatment, but most people require at least three treatments, administered about six weeks apart. There may be some swelling and redness the first day after treatment, but it disappears quickly. Older lasers can produce bruising, but the Excel V™ has transformed the laser experience in treating rosacea and other skin pigmentation conditions.
Laser treatment is not a total cure for rosacea, but it is the most effective, efficient treatment for the condition today. You may require further laser treatment at some point in the future. Dr. Hunziker becomes your partner in helping you keep rosacea under control.
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