Chiropractic Care Specialist

American Chiropractic
A.J. Hunziker, D.C.
Chiropractor & Rehabilitation Specialist serving the areas of Jacksonville, FL & Jacksonville Beach, FL
How do you spell relief? If you have chronic pain from an injury, illness, or age “wear and tear,” and cannot or do not like to use over-the-counter or prescribed drug regimens due to allergies and cumulative side effects, then chiropractic care is a great solution for you. Dr. A.J. Hunziker, owner of American Chiropractic with locations in Jacksonville and Jacksonville Beach, Florida, can diagnose the specific cause of your pain and provide expert drug-free treatment to restore your health. If you’re ready to get relief from your pain, then call our office, or book your appointment online today.
Chiropractic Care Q & A
How can a chiropractor help my pain?
As a chiropractor, Dr. A. J. Hunziker practices a drug-free, hands-on approach to health care. He focuses on pain relief for disorders of the muscles, skeleton, and nervous system as well as caring for the effects of those disorders on your general health. Chiropractic care can help back pain, neck pain, pain in the joints of the arms or legs, fibromyalgia, sciatica, and headaches, even if they have resulted from an injury. Instead of drugs, Dr. Hunziker uses manual manipulation of joints and tissue as well as other non-invasive, non-surgical treatments to ease pain and return your body to health.
How does the chiropractor diagnose my back or neck pain?
Dr. Hunziker conducts a thorough evaluation of your overall health at the first visit. He then uses a variety of techniques to locate the root cause of your pain:
- Manual manipulation/tests of range of movement
- Tests for trapped nerves
- Examination of the muscles and movement in the painful area
- X-rays
- MRIs
- Blood tests to determine inflammation or infection
Dr. Hunziker has broad diagnostic skills and is trained to recommend physical therapy, as well as to help speed your recovery with nutritional, dietary, and lifestyle counseling. If Dr. Hunziker finds that you have bone fractures, tumors, bone infections, or severe osteoporosis, he refers you to an appropriate physician.
What happens during chiropractic treatment?
You may be asked to lie on a special table where Dr. Hunziker performs spinal manipulation. He may use the Cox Flexion Distraction Technique, a non-surgical spinal manipulation, while you are lying on the table. The treatment restores proper movement to your neck and middle and lower back spinal joints, relieving the pain. Using his hands, Dr. Hunziker moves a joint in your spine to the end of its range, followed by a light push. The technique realigns your spine while restoring range of motion to your joints and muscles. You should have increased flexibility and should be able to stand up straight with correct posture. Dr. Hunziker evaluates each case to determine other treatments that may be necessary, such as deep massage or physical therapy.
How many treatments will I need to relieve my back or neck pain?
Treatments usually last a few weeks. You may have two or three short sessions a week at first. Once you begin to improve, you’ll receive longer treatments once a week.
We offer treatment for auto-accidents, neck pain and back pain. Call us to book your appointment today.
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